Original Jpn J Radiol Technol 2000 ;
A Simple and Accurate Method for the Quality Control of the I.I.-DR Apparatus
Using the CCD Camera

Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Gunma University Hospital
1)Department of Radiology, Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences
Received March 15, 1999; Revision accepted Dec. 2, 1999; Code No. 522

With the advancing development of CCD cameras, the I.I.-DR apparatus has been introduced into the x-ray fluoroscopy television system. Consequently, quality control of the system has become a complicated task. We developed a simple, accurate method for quality control of the I.I.-DR apparatus using the CCD camera. Experiments were separately performed for the imager system [laser imager, DDX(dynamic digital x-ray system)] and the imaging system(I.I., ND-filter, IRIS, CCD camera). Quality control of the imager system was done by simply examining both input and output characteristics with a sliding pattern. Quality control of the imaging system was also conducted by estimating AVE(the average volume element), which was obtained using a phantom under the constant conditions. The results indicated that this simplified method is useful as a weekly quality control check of the I.I.-DR apparatus using the CCD camera.

Key words: Charge-coopled device digital radiography(CC-DR), Image intensifier-digital radiography system(I.I.-DR), Image engineering, Quality control