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Radiation Safety Management covers all aspects of fields concerning radiation safety management for both ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Scientific or Technical Papers should be full papers of a theoretical or practical nature with comprehensive descriptions of the work covered. Scientific or Technical Notes should be brief, covering not more than 2 printed pages (one page contains about 800 words or equivalent in figures or tables) and are worth the rapid communication. Language: All contributions should be in English. Authors whose mother tongue is not English are requested to ask someone with a good command of English to review their contribution before submission. Titles should be brief and as informative as possible. A short title of not more than 50 characters for a running head should be supplied. Authors' names and addresses should appear immediately below the title. It is a condition of acceptance that all authors shall have read and agreed to manuscripts before submission and after any significant revisions. Abstracts containing up to 150 words should be provided on a separate page, headed by the title and authors' names. Manuscripts must be double-spaced and typewritten on one side of 216 × 297 mm (A4) paper with pages numbered consecutively. Two additional copies should be provided for refereeing purposes. Electronic manuscripts should also be submitted on diskette without enbedding figures and tables into the text. Figures and Tables should not be inserted in the pages of manuscript but should be supplied on separate sheets. One high quality set of illustrations and figures, suitable for direct reproduction, laser-print quality black and white prints of line drawings and graphs, should be provided with original typed manuscript. All figures should be numbered on the reverse side of each copy. Figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet. Tables should be typed with appropriate numbered caption above each table. Photocopies of all figures and tables should accompany each copy of the manuscript for refereeing purposes. Color figures can only be reproduced at cost. SI units should be used throughout in principle, but other established units may be included in brackets. Any Greek letters or special symbols used in the text should be identified in the margin on each occasion they are used. Isotope mass numbers should appear at the upper left of the element symbol, e.g., 60Co . Equations should be fully typed with variables and parameters in Italic. [ e.g., y = eax log (a + χ2)] Abbreviations which are not in common usage should be defined when they first appear in the text. References should be indicated in the text by superior numbers in parenthesis1) and the full reference should be given in a list at the end of the paper2, 3) in the following form, in the order in which they appear in the text. 1) Kanri, T., Anzen, J. and Houkan, S: A New Method for Treatment of Radiation Waste, Radiat. Safety Manag. 1, 1-10 (2001). 2) Kyokai, T.: Radiation Safety Dosimetry, Lykeion Press, Chap. 3 (1990). 3) Mikawa, K., Naniwa, T. and Wakasa, C.: Proc. 1st International Symposium on Radiation Safety Management, Nagoya, 88-94 (2003). All the authors' names and initials, the title of the paper, the abbreviated title of the journal, volume number (Gothick), page numbers and year should be given. Abbreviated journal titles should be in accordance with the current World List of Scientific Periodicals. Key Words: For subject indexing purposes, four key words should be provided at the end of Abstract page. Footnotes: Submit all footnotes together on a separate page at the end of the article. The author should give a clear indication in the text by inserting (see footnote) so that they may appear on the correct page. Submission of Manuscripts All manuscripts (original and two copies), Submission Form and (the back of this issue) any correspondences should be addressed to:
Editorial Board of “Radiation Safety Management”, Japan Society It is necessary that the first author, at the least, should be a member ofof Radiation Safety Management, Radioisotope Research Center, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya , Japan this Society. This rule is, however, dispensable for foreign contributors. Copyright of the article, if accepted for publication, shall be assigned to Japanese Society of Radiation safety management. Proofs will be sent to any nominated author for final proof reading and must be returned within 3 days of receipt. Publication Charges and Reprints: The author or author's institute is free of charge for publication of manuscripts. Riprints could be ordered at author's cost defined in the byelaw. |
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