Information for Authors

Radiation Medicine is a peer-reviewed double-blinded journal that is published under the supervision of the Board of Directors of the Japan Radiological Society (JRS), which appoints the Editor who selects all materials for publication, including advertisements. No responsibility is accepted by the Board of Directors or the Editor for opinions expressed by the contributors. Please note that the instructions below are in accord with the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals". Although Radiation Medicine will receive materials prepared and submitted according to these requirements, the right is reserved to introduce any changes necessary to make the contributions conform to the individual editorial standards of this journal.

Instructions for Original Submission of Manuscripts
SOLE SUBMISSION TO Radiation Medicine

Authors must be certain that a manuscript on the same or similar material has not already been published by them or has not been or will not be submitted to another journal by them or by colleagues at their institution before their work appears in Radiation Medicine. The submission by authors of similar material to advertising, news media or other forms of publication must be indicated at the time Radiation Medicine receives the manuscript, and a copy of that material should be provided with the submission.

Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication in Radiation Medicine will automatically receive from JRS a license for use of their images. This license extends for the full term of the copyright and allows authors to use and sublicense their images to others without requesting permission from JRS. If authors sublicense their images to commercial parties, they are required to notify JRS but need not request JRS's permission. Each corresponding author will receive his or her image license after the manuscript is accepted for publication and sent to the JRS Publication Department for processing. Please note that this license is for images (defined as radiologic images, artwork, and related captions) but not for other elements of the accepted manuscript (i.e., text, graphs, tables, software).
Please fax the copyright and certifications agreement with the initial submission of all proffered works. All authors of any single composition must sign this agreement.

Submission may be in the category of
1. Original Article
2. Case Report
3. Technical Note
4. Letter to the Editor
5. Review
and the article may be concerned with
a. Diagnostic Radiology
b. Interventional Radiology
c. Radiation Oncology
d. Nuclear Medicine
e. Radiation Physics
f. Radiation Biology
These terms must be complied with before your manuscript can be evaluated.

Written permission (we require a copy) must be granted by the publisher (and the author when applicable) to reproduce any previously published figures and tables. Any such material must be clearly noted and its source given in the manuscript.
To preserve the anonymity of patients and subjects, all potentially identifying information (including patient likenesses, identification numbers, names, and initials) must be removed from images, charts and graphs, tables, and the text before the materials are submitted to the Editorial Office. A signed letter of permission must be included with your manuscript for any individual who might be identified as a result of written descriptions, photographs (masking the eyes in photographs is not sufficient protection of anonymity), or otherwise. Such permission, which requires that the individual be shown the manuscript, should be affirmed in the text or figure caption as appropriate.
If reference is made in the text to personal communication (oral or written) as a source of information, a signed statement of permission is required from each such source. The year of receipt of the personal communication is required from each such source. The year of receipt of the personal communication should be provided in the text. Please see Acknowledgment below for additional required permissions.

In general, we recommend you review several recently published articles in Radiation Medicine before manuscript assembly, so as to familiarize yourself with our format and requirements. Each manuscript component should begin on a new page in this order: title pages, abstract, text, appendix, acknowledgments, references, tables (each on a separate page), captions for illustrations, and illustrations. The title pages and the abstract page should not be numbered. Sequential numbering should begin with the text (Introduction). To ensure anonymity in the peer review process, authors' names should appear on only the full title page; names of authors, their initials, or the institution should not be given in the text or on the illustrations. Avoid language that reveals work previously published by you (e.g., "as we have previously described", "continuing our former work", etc). The anonymity of patients and subjects must be preserved; please see the Rights and Permissions section for more information.
Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced in English on one side only of A4-size paper (210 × 297 mm). Send two copies with illustrations and the original to:
Japan Radiological Society Editorial Board
c/o Medical Tribune Inc.
Nibancho TS Bldg., 2-1 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo , JAPAN
TEL: 81-3-
FAX: 81-3-

Full Title Page: This page should be uploaded separately and include the title of the manuscript; the first and last names, and middle initials of author(s); the name and street address (not post box) of the institution from which the work originated; the telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author; and information concerning grants. The address for correspondence should include the complete name, street address (not a postal box), and zip code. It is important to indicate on this title page whether your paper was presented at a JRS meeting (please provide the year) or has been accepted for presentation at a future meeting. Last, indicate the type of manuscript you are submitting: Original Article; Case Report; Technical Notes; Letter to the Editor; or Review.
Abbreviated Title Page: This page should include only the title and the type of manuscript so as to allow for anonymity during the peer review process.

A structured abstract of 200 words or less must be submitted with each manuscript of original article. The abstract is divided into four paragraphs with the following headings: Purpose; Materials and Methods; Results; and Conclusion.
Below the abstract, please list three to five key words derived from the text.

The manuscript text of Original Article and Technical Notes is arranged in sections with the headings Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Lengthy papers may need subheadings within some sections to clarify their content, especially within the Materials and Methods and Results sections.
Introduction: Give only strictly pertinent background information and references that inform the reader as to why you undertook your study. The final paragraph should clearly state the hypothesis or purpose of your study.
Materials and Methods: For studies relating to humans, the first paragraph should indicate whether or not institutional review board approval and patient informed consent were obtained. This applies for both prospective and retrospective studies. For animal experiments, please include instead a statement regarding approval by your institutional animal care committee or appropriate substitute. Identify the methods, instrumentation (trade name and manufacturer's name and location in parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce your study.
Results: Present the results in logical sequence in the text, along with tables and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables and/or illustrations; summarize only important observations.
Discussion: Emphasize the advances in knowledge provided by your study and the conclusions that follow from them. Relate the observations to other relevant studies. Link the conclusion with the goals of the study, but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by the data.

These should be written separately. List those who have contributed substantially to the work reported in the manuscript. Authors are expected to obtain written permission of those acknowledged and to submit the same, as readers might interpret that those acknowledged agree with the data and conclusion of the study.

Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the manuscript. The abbreviations used for periodicals cited in the references should follow the style of Index Medicus. For journal articles, list surnames and initials of all authors when six or fewer, such as:
1)Remonda L, Heid O, Schrogh G. Carotid artery stenosis, occlusion, and pseudo-occlusion: first-pass, gadolinium-enhanced, three-dimensional MR angiography-preliminary study. Radiology, 209: 95-102, 1998.
When seven or more authors are listed, only the first three names need to be identified, followed by "et al," such as:
1) Aoki S, Yoshikawa T, Hori M, et al. MR digital subtraction angiography for the assessment of cranial arteriovenous malformations and fistulas. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 175: 451-453, 2000.
In the case of books, the authors of a chapter, title of the chapter, title of the book, edition, (editor(s), publisher, city), specific pages, and year must be provided.
1) Powers WE, Ratanatharathorn V. Palliation of bone metastases. In Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 3rd ed. (Perez CA, Brady LW eds.; Lippincott Raven, Philadelphia), pp. , 1977.

Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and should have a title. All abbreviations used in the table should be explained in a footnote.
Tables should be presented in the style used in recent issues of the journal. No vertical lines or shading should be included. Avoid excessive use of horizontal lines within the table.

A caption must be supplied for each illustration, including drawings and graphs. It is essential that the caption describe all labels placed on an illustration.

Drawings and graphs should be rendered professionally in black and white. All illustrations must be numbered and "top" indicated.
The anonymity of patients and subjects must be preserved; please see the Rights and Permissions section for more information.
Note that color illustrations will be published only if the Editor concludes that color is essential to convey the message of these illustrations. Authors will cover the cost for color illustrations (¥100,000 for each color page).

Radiation measurements and laboratory values should be given in the International System of Units (SI). Abbreviations should be spelled out when first used in the text, such as "cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)", and the number used should be kept to a minimum. In general, only standard abbreviations will be used.

Manuscripts reporting the results of studies on human subjects must include a statement in the first paragraph of Materials and Methods to the effect that informed consent was obtained after the nature of the procedure(s) had been fully explained. In addition, a statement affirming approval of the appropriate institutional review boards is required in the same paragraph of the Materials and Methods section. If a review board does not exist, then the Declaration of Helsinki principles should be followed and a statement affirming the same should be made in that paragraph.
The maintenance and care of experimental animals to provide humane treatment and to ensure reliable results are described in the National Institutes of Health guidelines for the use of laboratory animals. Authors must affirm, in the first paragraph of the Materials and Methods section, their compliance with these guidelines or approval by the appropriate institutional review board or animal care committee.

Publisher's Notices

Radiation Medicine is published bimonthly as the English official journal of Japan Radiological Society (JRS).
Subscription orders should be sent to JRS Publication Department, NP-II Bldg., 5-1-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo , Japan; tel. , fax , e-mail: . The annual subscription rate is ¥16,000, and a single copy is ¥2,000.

Copyrights of published articles will become the property of Japan Radiological Society. It is therefore necessary for all authors, including co-authors, of the accepted manuscripts to sign a statement of copyright transference before publication.
